Olog n types of Algorithms
suggest changeLet’s say we have a problem of size n. Now for each step of our algorithm(which we need write), our original problem becomes half of its previous size(n/2).
So at each step, our problem becomes half.
Step | Problem | —— | —— | 1 | n/2 | 2 | n/4 | 3 | n/8 | 4 | n/16 |
When the problem space is reduced(i.e solved completely), it cannot be reduced any further(n becomes equal to 1) after exiting check condition.
- Let’s say at kth step or number of operations:
problem-size = 1
- But we know at kth step, our problem-size should be:
problem-size = n/2k
- From 1 and 2:
n/2<sup>k</sup> = 1 or
n = 2<sup>k</sup>
- Take log on both sides
log<sub>e</sub> n = k log<sub>e</sub>2
k = log<sub>e</sub> n / log<sub>e</sub> 2
- Using formula logx m / logx n = logn m
k = log2 n
or simply k = log n
Now we know that our algorithm can run maximum up to log n, hence time complexity comes as
O( log n)
A very simple example in code to support above text is :
for(int i=1; i<=n; i=i*2)
// perform some operation
So now if some one asks you if n is 256 how many steps that loop( or any other algorithm that cuts down it’s problem size into half) will run you can very easily calculate.
k = log2 256
k = log2 2 8 ( => logaa = 1)
k = 8
Another very good example for similar case is Binary Search Algorithm.
int bSearch(int arr[],int size,int item){
int low=0;
int high=size-1;
return mid;
else if(arr[mid]<item)
else high=mid-1;
return –1;// Unsuccessful result