Android Studio useful shortcuts

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The following are some of the more common/useful shortcuts.

These are based on the default IntelliJ shortcut map. You can switch to other common IDE shortcut maps via File -> Settings -> Keymap -> <Choose Eclipse/Visual Studio/etc from Keymaps dropdown>

Action Shortcut
Format code CTRL + ALT + L
Add unimplemented methods CTRL + I
Show logcat ALT + 6
Build CTRL + F9
Build and Run CTRL + F10
Find CTRL + F
Find in project CTRL+SHIFT + F
Find and replace CTRL + R
Find and replace in project CTRL + SHIFT + R
Override methods CTRL + O
Show project ALT + 1
Hide project - logcat SHIFT + ESC
Collapse all CTRL + SHIFT + NumPad +
View Debug Points CTRL + SHIFT + F8
Expand all CTRL + SHIFT + NumPad -
Open Settings ALT + s
Select Target (open current file in Project view) ALT + F1 → ENTER
Search Everywhere SHIFT → SHIFT (Double shift)
Code | Surround With CTRL → ALT + T
Create method form selected code ALT + CTRL


Action Shortcut
Refactor This (menu/picker for all applicable refactor actions of the current element) Mac CTRL + T - Win/Linux CTRL + ALT + T
Rename SHIFT + F6
Extract Method Mac CMD + ALT + M - Win/Linux CTRL + ALT + M
Extract Parameter Mac CMD + ALT + P - Win/Linux CTRL + ALT + P
Extract Variable Mac CMD + ALT + V - Win/Linux CTRL + ALT + V

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