Built in Type Adapters
suggest changeMoshi has built-in support for reading and writing Java’s core data types:
- Primitives (int, float, char…) and their boxed counterparts (Integer, Float, Character…).
- Arrays
- Collections
- Lists
- Sets
- Maps Strings Enums
It supports your model classes by writing them out field-by-field. In the example above Moshi uses these classes:
class BlackjackHand {
public final Card hidden_card;
public final List<Card> visible_cards;
class Card {
public final char rank;
public final Suit suit;
enum Suit {
to read and write this JSON:
"hidden_card": {
"rank": "6",
"suit": "SPADES"
"visible_cards": [
"rank": "4",
"suit": "CLUBS"
"rank": "A",
"suit": "HEARTS"
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Let me know.
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