Fetch Device Directory

suggest change

First Add Storage permission to read/fetch device directory.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Create model class

//create one directory model class
//to store directory title and type in list

public class DirectoryModel {
    String dirName;
    int dirType; // set 1 or 0, where 0 for directory and 1 for file.

    public int getDirType() {
        return dirType;

    public void setDirType(int dirType) {
        this.dirType = dirType;

    public String getDirName() {
        return dirName;

    public void setDirName(String dirName) {
        this.dirName = dirName;

Create list using directory model to add directory data.

//define list to show directory

List<DirectoryModel> rootDir = new ArrayList<>();

Fetch directory using following method.

//to fetch device directory

private void getDirectory(String currDir) { // pass device root directory
        File f = new File(currDir);
        File[] files = f.listFiles();
        if (files != null) {
            if (files.length > 0) {
                for (File inFile : files) {
                    if (inFile.isDirectory()) { //return true if it's directory
                        // is directory
                        DirectoryModel dir = new DirectoryModel();
                        dir.setDirName(inFile.toString().replace("/storage/emulated/0", ""));
                        dir.setDirType(0); // set 0 for directory
                    } else if (inFile.isFile()) { // return true if it's file
                        //is file
                        DirectoryModel dir = new DirectoryModel();
                        dir.setDirName(inFile.toString().replace("/storage/emulated/0", ""));
                        dir.setDirType(1); // set 1 for file

Print directory list in log.

//print directory list in logs

private void printDirectoryList() {
    for (int i = 0; i < rootDir.size(); i++) {
        Log.e(TAG, "printDirectoryLogs: " + rootDir.get(i).toString());


//to Fetch Directory Call function with root directory.

String rootPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString(); // return ==>  /storage/emulated/0/
getDirectory(rootPath );

To fetch inner files/folder of specific directory use same method just change argument, pass the current selected path in argument and handle response for same.

To get File Extension :

private String getExtension(String filename) {

    String filenameArray[] = filename.split("\\.");
    String extension = filenameArray[filenameArray.length - 1];
    Log.d(TAG, "getExtension: " + extension);

    return extension;

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