How to add the FAB to the layout
suggest changeTo use a FloatingActionButton just add the dependency in the build.gradle
file as described in the remarks section.
Then add to the layout:
android:src="@drawable/my_icon" />
An example:
The background color of this view defaults to the your theme’s colorAccent.
In the above image if the src
only points to + icon (by default 24x24 dp),to get the background color of full circle you can use app:backgroundTint="@color/your_colour"
If you wish to change the color in code you can use,
myFab.setBackgroundTintList(ColorStateList.valueOf(your color in int));
If you want to change FAB’s color in pressed state use
mFab.setRippleColor(your color in int);
It is recommended to place 16dp minimum from the edge on mobile,and 24dp minimum on tablet/desktop.
Note : Once you set an src excepting to cover the full area of FloatingActionButton
make sure you have the right size of that image to get the best result.
Default circle size is 56 x 56dp
Mini circle size : 40 x 40dp
If you only want to change only the Interior icon use a 24 x 24dp icon for default size