Making a custom object Parcelable.
suggest change/**
* Created by Alex Sullivan on 7/21/16.
public class Foo implements Parcelable
private final int myFirstVariable;
private final String mySecondVariable;
private final long myThirdVariable;
public Foo(int myFirstVariable, String mySecondVariable, long myThirdVariable)
this.myFirstVariable = myFirstVariable;
this.mySecondVariable = mySecondVariable;
this.myThirdVariable = myThirdVariable;
// Note that you MUST read values from the parcel IN THE SAME ORDER that
// values were WRITTEN to the parcel! This method is our own custom method
// to instantiate our object from a Parcel. It is used in the Parcelable.Creator variable we declare below.
public Foo(Parcel in)
this.myFirstVariable = in.readInt();
this.mySecondVariable = in.readString();
this.myThirdVariable = in.readLong();
// The describe contents method can normally return 0. It's used when
// the parceled object includes a file descriptor.
public int describeContents()
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)
// Note that this seemingly random field IS NOT OPTIONAL. The system will
// look for this variable using reflection in order to instantiate your
// parceled object when read from an Intent.
public static final Parcelable.Creator<Foo> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<Foo>()
// This method is used to actually instantiate our custom object
// from the Parcel. Convention dictates we make a new constructor that
// takes the parcel in as its only argument.
public Foo createFromParcel(Parcel in)
return new Foo(in);
// This method is used to make an array of your custom object.
// Declaring a new array with the provided size is usually enough.
public Foo[] newArray(int size)
return new Foo[size];
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