Parsing JSON with Gson
suggest changeThe example shows parsing a JSON object using the Gson library from Google.
Parsing objects:
class Robot {
//OPTIONAL - this annotation allows for the key to be different from the field name, and can be omitted if key and field name are same . Also this is good coding practice as it decouple your variable names with server keys name
private String version;
private int age;
private String name;
// optional : Benefit it allows to set default values and retain them, even if key is missing from Json response. Not required for primitive data types.
public Robot{
version = "";
name = "";
Then where parsing needs to occur, use the following:
String robotJson = "{
\"version\": \"JellyBean\",
\"age\": 3,
\"robotName\": \"Droid\"
Gson gson = new Gson();
Robot robot = gson.fromJson(robotJson, Robot.class);
Parsing a list:
When retrieving a list of JSON objects, often you will want to parse them and convert them into Java objects.
The JSON string that we will try to convert is the following:
"owned_dogs": [
"name": "Ron",
"age": 12,
"breed": "terrier"
"name": "Bob",
"age": 4,
"breed": "bulldog"
"name": "Johny",
"age": 3,
"breed": "golden retriever"
This particular JSON array contains three objects. In our Java code we’ll want to map these objects to Dog
objects. A Dog object would look like this:
private class Dog {
public String name;
public int age;
public String breedName;
To convert the JSON array to a Dog[]
Dog[] arrayOfDogs = gson.fromJson(jsonArrayString, Dog[].class);
Converting a Dog[]
to a JSON string:
String jsonArray = gson.toJson(arrayOfDogs, Dog[].class);
To convert the JSON array to an ArrayList<Dog>
we can do the following:
Type typeListOfDogs = new TypeToken<List<Dog>>(){}.getType();
List<Dog> listOfDogs = gson.fromJson(jsonArrayString, typeListOfDogs);
The Type object typeListOfDogs
defines what a list of Dog
objects would look like. GSON can use this type object to map the JSON array to the right values.
Alternatively, converting a List<Dog>
to a JSON array can be done in a similar manner.
String jsonArray = gson.toJson(listOfDogs, typeListOfDogs);