Set Up Espresso

suggest change

In the build.gradle file of your Android app module add next dependencies:

dependencies {   
    // Android JUnit Runner     
    androidTestCompile ''
    // JUnit4 Rules
    androidTestCompile ''
    // Espresso core
    androidTestCompile ''
    // Espresso-contrib for DatePicker, RecyclerView, Drawer actions, Accessibility checks, CountingIdlingResource
    androidTestCompile ''
    //UI Automator tests
    androidTestCompile ''

Specify the AndroidJUnitRunner for the testInstrumentationRunner parameter in the build.gradle file.

android {

  defaultConfig {
    testInstrumentationRunner ""


Additionally, add this dependency for providing intent mocking support

androidTestCompile ''

And add this one for webview testing support

// Espresso-web for WebView support
androidTestCompile ''

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