Writing UI tests - Android

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Focus of this document is to represent goals and ways how to write android UI and integration tests. Espresso and UIAutomator are provided by Google so focus should be around these tools and their respective wrappers e.g. Appium, Spoon etc.



JUnit rules:

As you can see in MockWebServer example and ActivityTestRule they all fall under category of JUnit rules which you can create yourself which then should be executed for each test defining its behaviour @see: https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/rules



Since parameters have some issues placing them here until documentation bug is resolved:

Parameter | Details | —— | —— | Class activityClass | which activity to start | initialTouchMode | should the activity be placed in touch mode on start: https://android-developers.blogspot.de/2008/12/touch-mode.html | launchActivity | true if the Activity should be launched once per Test method. It will be launched before the first Before method, and terminated after the last After method. |

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