One liner test
suggest changeYou can do things like this:
[[ $s = 'something' ]] && echo 'matched' || echo "didn't match"
[[ $s == 'something' ]] && echo 'matched' || echo "didn't match"
[[ $s != 'something' ]] && echo "didn't match" || echo "matched"
[[ $s -eq 10 ]] && echo 'equal' || echo "not equal"
(( $s == 10 )) && echo 'equal' || echo 'not equal'
One liner test for exit status:
command && echo 'exited with 0' || echo 'non 0 exit'
cmd && cmd1 && echo 'previous cmds were successful' || echo 'one of them failed'
cmd || cmd1 #If cmd fails try cmd1
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Let me know.
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