Splitting with IFS

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To be more clear, let’s create a script named showarg:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
printf "%d args:" $#
printf " <%s>" "$@"

Now let’s see the differences:

$ var="This is an example"
$ showarg $var
4 args: <This> <is> <an> <example>
$var is split into 4 args. IFS is white space characters and thus word splitting occurred in spaces
$ var="This/is/an/example"
$ showarg $var
1 args: <This/is/an/example>
In above word splitting didn’t occur because the IFS characters weren’t found.

Now let’s set IFS=/

$ IFS=/
$ var="This/is/an/example"
$ showarg $var
4 args: <This> <is> <an> <example>
The $var is splitting into 4 arguments not a single argument.

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