The PublishSubscribe PubSub Pattern

suggest change

When a Bash project turns into a library, it can become difficult to add new functionality. Function names, variables and parameters usually need to be changed in the scripts that utilize them. In scenarios like this, it is helpful to decouple the code and use an event driven design pattern. In said pattern, an external script can subscribe to an event. When that event is triggered (published) the script can execute the code that it registered with the event.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

    # Save the path to this script's directory in a global env variable
    DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"

    # Array that will contain all registered events

    function action1() {
        echo "Action #1 was performed ${2}"

    function action2() {
        echo "Action #2 was performed"

    # @desc   :: Registers an event
    # @param  :: string $1 - The name of the event. Basically an alias for a function name
    # @param  :: string $2 - The name of the function to be called
    # @param  :: string $3 - Full path to script that includes the function being called
    function subscribe() {

    # @desc   :: Public an event
    # @param  :: string $1 - The name of the event being published
    function publish() {
        for event in ${EVENTS[@]}; do
            local IFS=";"
            read -r -a event <<< "$event"
            if [[  "${event[0]}" ==  "${1}" ]]; then
                ${event[1]} "$@"

    # Register our events and the functions that handle them
    subscribe "/do/work"           "action1" "${DIR}"
    subscribe "/do/more/work"      "action2" "${DIR}"
    subscribe "/do/even/more/work" "action1" "${DIR}"

    # Execute our events
    publish "/do/work"
    publish "/do/more/work"
    publish "/do/even/more/work" "again"


chmod +x

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