suggest changePlaces files into compressed .cab
cabinet file. See also EXPAND.
$ makecab /?
Cabinet Maker - Lossless Data Compression Tool
MAKECAB [/V[n]] [/D var=value ...] [/L dir] source [destination]
MAKECAB [/V[n]] [/D var=value ...] /F directive_file [...]
source File to compress.
destination File name to give compressed file. If omitted, the
last character of the source file name is replaced
with an underscore (_) and used as the destination.
/F directives A file with MakeCAB directives (may be repeated). Refer to
Microsoft Cabinet SDK for information on directive_file.
/D var=value Defines variable with specified value.
/L dir Location to place destination (default is current directory).
/V[n] Verbosity level (1..3).
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Let me know.
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