suggest change

Pushes the current directory onto the directory stack, making it available for the POPD command to retrieve, and, if executed with an argument, changes to the directory stated as the argument.

$ C:\Users\kjk
$ pushd src

$ C:\Users\kjk\src
$ popd


$ pushd /?
Stores the current directory for use by the POPD command, then
changes to the specified directory.

PUSHD [path | ..]

  path        Specifies the directory to make the current directory.

If Command Extensions are enabled the PUSHD command accepts
network paths in addition to the normal drive letter and path.
If a network path is specified, PUSHD will create a temporary
drive letter that points to that specified network resource and
then change the current drive and directory, using the newly
defined drive letter.  Temporary drive letters are allocated from
Z: on down, using the first unused drive letter found.

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