Basic mechanism

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Type erasure is a way to hide the type of an object from code using it, even though it is not derived from a common base class. In doing so, it provides a bridge between the worlds of static polymorphism (templates; at the place of use, the exact type must be known at compile time, but it need not be declared to conform to an interface at definition) and dynamic polymorphism (inheritance and virtual functions; at the place of use, the exact type need not be known at compile time, but must be declared to conform to an interface at definition).

The following code shows the basic mechanism of type erasure.

#include <ostream>

class Printable
  template <typename T>
  Printable(T value) : pValue(new Value<T>(value)) {}
  ~Printable() { delete pValue; }
  void print(std::ostream &os) const { pValue->print(os); }

  Printable(Printable const &)        /* in C++1x: =delete */; // not implemented
  void operator = (Printable const &) /* in C++1x: =delete */; // not implemented
  struct ValueBase
      virtual ~ValueBase() = default;
      virtual void print(std::ostream &) const = 0;
  template <typename T>
  struct Value : ValueBase
      Value(T const &t) : v(t) {}
      virtual void print(std::ostream &os) const { os << v; }
      T v;
  ValueBase *pValue;

At the use site, only the above definition need to be visible, just as with base classes with virtual functions. For example:

#include <iostream>

void print_value(Printable const &p)

Note that this is not a template, but a normal function that only needs to be declared in a header file, and can be defined in an implementation file (unlike templates, whose definition must be visible at the place of use).

At the definition of the concrete type, nothing needs to be known about Printable, it just needs to conform to an interface, as with templates:

struct MyType { int i; };
ostream& operator << (ostream &os, MyType const &mc)
  return os << "MyType {" << mc.i << "}";

We can now pass an object of this class to the function defined above:

MyType foo = { 42 };

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