Define polymorphic classes

suggest change

The typical example is an abstract shape class, that can then be derived into squares, circles, and other concrete shapes.

The parent class:

Let’s start with the polymorphic class:

class Shape {
    virtual ~Shape() = default;
    virtual double get_surface() const = 0;
    virtual void describe_object() const { std::cout << "this is a shape" << std::endl; }  

    double get_doubled_surface() const { return 2 * get_surface(); } 

How to read this definition ?

Derived classes

Once a polymorphic base class is defined you can derive it. For example:

class Square : public Shape {
    Point top_left;
    double side_length;
    Square (const Point& top_left, double side)
       : top_left(top_left), side_length(side_length) {}

    double get_surface() override { return side_length * side_length; }   
    void describe_object() override { 
        std::cout << "this is a square starting at " << top_left.x << ", " << top_left.y
                  << " with a length of " << side_length << std::endl; 

Some explanations:

Example of instantiation

int main() {

    Square square(Point(10.0, 0.0), 6); // we know it's a square, the compiler also
    std::cout << "Surface: " << square.get_surface() << std::endl; 

    Circle circle(Point(0.0, 0.0), 5);

    Shape *ps = nullptr;  // we don't know yet the real type of the object
    ps = &circle;         // it's a circle, but it could as well be a square
    std::cout << "Surface: " << ps->get_surface() << std::endl;

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