Digit Separator

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Numeric literals of more than a few digits are hard to read.

C++14 define Simple Quotation Mark \' as a digit separator, in numbers and user-defined literals. This can make it easier for human readers to parse large numbers.

long long decn = 1'000'000'000ll;
long long hexn = 0xFFFF'FFFFll; 
long long octn = 00'23'00ll;
long long binn = 0b1010'0011ll;

Single quotes mark are ignored when determining its value.


The position of the single quotes is irrelevant. All the following are equivalent:

long long a1 = 123456789ll;
long long a2 = 123'456'789ll; 
long long a3 = 12'34'56'78'9ll;
long long a4 = 12345'6789ll;

It is also allowed in user-defined literals:

std::chrono::seconds tiempo = 1'674'456s + 5'300h;

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