
suggest change

Method name Definition
operator= assigns values to the container
assign assigns values to the container
get_allocator returns the associated allocator
Element access  
front access the first element
before_begin returns an iterator to the element before beginning
cbefore_begin returns a constant iterator to the element before beginning
begin returns an iterator to the beginning
cbegin returns a const iterator to the beginning
end returns an iterator to the end
cend returns a iterator to the end
empty checks whether the container is empty
max_size returns the maximum possible number of elements
clear clears the contents
insert_after inserts elements after an element
emplace_after constructs elements in-place after an element
erase_after erases an element after an element
push_front inserts an element to the beginning
emplace_front constructs an element in-place at the beginning
pop_front removes the first element
resize changes the number of elements stored
swap swaps the contents
merge merges two sorted lists
splice_after moves elements from another forward_list
remove removes elements satisfying specific criteria
remove_if removes elements satisfying specific criteria
reverse reverses the order of the elements
unique removes consecutive duplicate elements
sort sorts the elements

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