Multiple non-identical definitions the One Definition Rule

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If a class, enum, inline function, template, or member of a template has external linkage and is defined in multiple translation units, all definitions must be identical or the behavior is undefined according to the One Definition Rule (ODR).


class Foo {
    double x;
    int y;

Foo get_foo();


#include "foo.h"
Foo get_foo() { /* implementation */ }


// I want access to the private member, so I am going to replace Foo with my own type
class Foo {
    double x;
    int y;
Foo get_foo(); // declare this function ourselves since we aren't including foo.h
int main() {
    Foo foo = get_foo();
    // do something with foo.y

The above program exhibits undefined behavior because it contains two definitions of the class ::Foo, which has external linkage, in different translation units, but the two definitions are not identical. Unlike redefinition of a class within the same translation unit, this problem is not required to be diagnosed by the compiler.

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