Name Hiding Importing

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When a base class provides a set of overloaded functions, and a derived class adds another overload to the set, this hides all of the overloads provided by the base class.

struct HiddenBase {
    void f(int) { std::cout << "int" << std::endl; }
    void f(bool) { std::cout << "bool" << std::endl; }
    void f(std::string) { std::cout << "std::string" << std::endl; }

struct HidingDerived : HiddenBase {
    void f(float) { std::cout << "float" << std::endl; }

// ...

HiddenBase hb;
HidingDerived hd;
std::string s;

hb.f(1);    // Output:  int
hb.f(true); // Output:  bool
hb.f(s);    // Output:  std::string;

hd.f(1.f);  // Output:  float
hd.f(3);    // Output:  float
hd.f(true); // Output:  float
hd.f(s);    // Error: Can't convert from std::string to float.

This is due to name resolution rules: During name lookup, once the correct name is found, we stop looking, even if we clearly haven’t found the correct version of the entity with that name (such as with hd.f(s)); due to this, overloading the function in the derived class prevents name lookup from discovering the overloads in the base class. To avoid this, a using-declaration can be used to “import” names from the base class into the derived class, so that they will be available during name lookup.

struct HidingDerived : HiddenBase {
     // All members named HiddenBase::f shall be considered members of HidingDerived for lookup.
    using HiddenBase::f;

    void f(float) { std::cout << "float" << std::endl; }

// ...

HidingDerived hd;

hd.f(1.f);  // Output:  float
hd.f(3);    // Output:  int
hd.f(true); // Output:  bool
hd.f(s);    // Output:  std::string

If a derived class imports names with a using-declaration, but also declares functions with the same signature as functions in the base class, the base class functions will silently be overridden or hidden.

struct NamesHidden {
    virtual void hide_me()      {}
    virtual void hide_me(float) {}
    void hide_me(int)           {}
    void hide_me(bool)          {}

struct NameHider : NamesHidden {
    using NamesHidden::hide_me;

    void hide_me()    {} // Overrides NamesHidden::hide_me().
    void hide_me(int) {} // Hides NamesHidden::hide_me(int).

A using-declaration can also be used to change access modifiers, provided the imported entity was public or protected in the base class.

struct ProMem {
    void func() {}

struct BecomesPub : ProMem {
    using ProMem::func;

// ...

ProMem pm;
BecomesPub bp;

pm.func(); // Error: protected.
bp.func(); // Good.

Similarly, if we explicitly want to call a member function from a specific class in the inheritance hierarchy, we can qualify the function name when calling the function, specifying that class by name.

struct One {
    virtual void f() { std::cout << "One." << std::endl; }

struct Two : One {
    void f() override {
        One::f(); // this->One::f();
        std::cout << "Two." << std::endl;

struct Three : Two {
    void f() override {
        Two::f(); // this->Two::f();
        std::cout << "Three." << std::endl;

// ...

Three t;

t.f();      // Normal syntax.
t.Two::f(); // Calls version of f() defined in Two.
t.One::f(); // Calls version of f() defined in One.

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