Pointer basics

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Note: in all the following, the existence of the C++11 constant nullptr is assumed. For earlier versions, replace nullptr with NULL, the constant that used to play a similar role.

Creating a pointer variable

A pointer variable can be created using the specific * syntax, e.g. int *pointer_to_int;.

When a variable is of a pointer type (int *), it just contains a memory address. The memory address is the location at which data of the underlying type (int) is stored.

The difference is clear when comparing the size of a variable with the size of a pointer to the same type:

// Declare a struct type `big_struct` that contains
// three long long ints.
typedef struct {
    long long int foo1;
    long long int foo2;
    long long int foo3;
} big_struct;

// Create a variable `bar` of type `big_struct`
big_struct bar;
// Create a variable `p_bar` of type `pointer to big_struct`.
// Initialize it to `nullptr` (a null pointer).
big_struct *p_bar0 = nullptr;

// Print the size of `bar`
std::cout << "sizeof(bar) = " << sizeof(bar) << std::endl;
// Print the size of `p_bar`.
std::cout << "sizeof(p_bar0) = " << sizeof(p_bar0) << std::endl;

/* Produces:
    sizeof(bar) = 24
    sizeof(p_bar0) = 8

Taking the address of another variable

Pointers can be assigned between each other just as normal variables; in this case, it is the memory address that is copied from one pointer to another, not the actual data that a pointer points to.

Moreover, they can take the value nullptr which represents a null memory location. A pointer equal to nullptr contains an invalid memory location and hence it does not refer to valid data.

You can get the memory address of a variable of a given type by prefixing the variable with the address of operator &. The value returned by & is a pointer to the underlying type which contains the memory address of the variable (which is valid data as long as the variable does not go out of scope).

// Copy `p_bar0` into `p_bar_1`.
big_struct *p_bar1 = p_bar0;

// Take the address of `bar` into `p_bar_2`
big_struct *p_bar2 = &bar;

// p_bar1 is now nullptr, p_bar2 is &bar.

p_bar0 = p_bar2;

// p_bar0 is now &bar.

p_bar2 = nullptr;

// p_bar0 == &bar
// p_bar1 == nullptr
// p_bar2 == nullptr

In contrast with references:

Accessing the content of a pointer

As taking an address requires &, as well accessing the content requires the usage of the dereference operator *, as a prefix. When a pointer is dereferenced, it becomes a variable of the underlying type (actually, a reference to it). It can then be read and modified, if not const.

(*p_bar0).foo1 = 5;

// `p_bar0` points to `bar`. This prints 5.
std::cout << "bar.foo1 = " << bar.foo1 << std::endl;

// Assign the value pointed to by `p_bar0` to `baz`.
big_struct baz;
baz = *p_bar0;

// Now `baz` contains a copy of the data pointed to by `p_bar0`.
// Indeed, it contains a copy of `bar`.

// Prints 5 as well
std::cout << "baz.foo1 = " << baz.foo1 << std::endl;

The combination of * and the operator . is abbreviated by ->:

std::cout << "bar.foo1 = " << (*p_bar0).foo1 << std::endl; // Prints 5
std::cout << "bar.foo1 = " <<  p_bar0->foo1  << std::endl; // Prints 5

Dereferencing invalid pointers

When dereferencing a pointer, you should make sure it points to valid data. Dereferencing an invalid pointer (or a null pointer) can lead to memory access violation, or to read or write garbage data.

big_struct *never_do_this() {
   // This is a local variable. Outside `never_do_this` it doesn't exist.
   big_struct retval;
   retval.foo1 = 11;
   // This returns the address of `retval`.
   return &retval;
   // `retval` is destroyed and any code using the value returned
   // by `never_do_this` has a pointer to a memory location that
   // contains garbage data (or is inaccessible).

In such scenario, g++ and clang++ correctly issue the warnings:

(Clang) warning: address of stack memory associated with local variable 'retval' returned [-Wreturn-stack-address]
(Gcc)   warning: address of local variable ‘retval’ returned [-Wreturn-local-addr]

Hence, care must be taken when pointers are arguments of functions, as they could be null:

void naive_code(big_struct *ptr_big_struct) {
    // ... some code which doesn't check if `ptr_big_struct` is valid.
    ptr_big_struct->foo1 = 12;

// Segmentation fault.

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