Regular expressions

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Regular Expressions (sometimes called regexs or regexps) are a textual syntax which represents the patterns which can be matched in the strings operated upon.

Regular Expressions, introduced in c++11, may optionally support a return array of matched strings or another textual syntax defining how to replace matched patterns in strings operated upon.



|Signature|Description| |—|—| |bool regex_match(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last, smatch& sm, const regex& re, regex_constraints::match_flag_type flags)| BidirectionalIterator is any character iterator that provides increment and decrement operators smatch may be cmatch or any other other variant of match_results that accepts the type of BidirectionalIterator the smatch argument may be ommitted if the results of the regex are not needed Returns whether re matches the entire character sequence defined by first and last| |bool regex_match(const string& str, smatch& sm, const regex re&, regex_constraints::match_flag_type flags)| string may be either a const char* or an L-Value string, the functions accepting an R-Value string are explicitly deleted smatch may be cmatch or any other other variant of match_results that accepts the type of str the smatch argument may be ommitted if the results of the regex are not needed Returns whether re matches the entire character sequence defined by str|

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