Template Type Deduction

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Template Generic Syntax

template<typename T>
void f(ParamType param);


Case 1: ParamType is a Reference or Pointer, but not a Universal or Forward Reference. In this case type deduction works this way. The compiler ignores the reference part if it exists in expr. The compiler then pattern-matches expr’s type against ParamType to determing T.

template<typename T>
void f(T& param);      //param is a reference

int x = 27;            // x is an int
const int cx = x;      // cx is a const int
const int& rx = x;     // rx is a reference to x as a const int

f(x);                  // T is int, param's type is int&
f(cx);                 // T is const int, param's type is const int&
f(rx);                 // T is const int, param's type is const int&

Case 2: ParamType is a Universal Reference or Forward Reference. In this case type deduction is the same as in case 1 if the expr is an rvalue. If expr is an lvalue, both T and ParamType are deduced to be lvalue references.

template<typename T>
void f(T&& param);     // param is a universal reference

int x = 27;            // x is an int
const int cx = x;      // cx is a const int
const int& rx = x;     // rx is a reference to x as a const int

f(x);                  // x is lvalue, so T is int&, param's type is also int&
f(cx);                 // cx is lvalue, so T is const int&, param's type is also const int&
f(rx);                 // rx is lvalue, so T is const int&, param's type is also const int&
f(27);                 // 27 is rvalue, so T is int, param's type is therefore int&&

Case 3: ParamType is Neither a Pointer nor a Reference. If expr is a reference the reference part is ignored. If expr is const that is ignored as well. If it is volatile that is also ignored when deducing T’s type.

template<typename T>
void f(T param);       // param is now passed by value

int x = 27;            // x is an int
const int cx = x;      // cx is a const int
const int& rx = x;     // rx is a reference to x as a const int

f(x);                  // T's and param's types are both int
f(cx);                 // T's and param's types are again both int
f(rx);                 // T's and param's types are still both int

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