Cast an object to a base type

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Given the following definitions :

public interface IMyInterface1
    string GetName();

public interface IMyInterface2
    string GetName();

public class MyClass : IMyInterface1, IMyInterface2
    string IMyInterface1.GetName()
        return "IMyInterface1";

    string IMyInterface2.GetName()
        return "IMyInterface2";

Casting an object to a base type example :

MyClass obj = new MyClass();

IMyInterface1 myClass1 = (IMyInterface1)obj;
IMyInterface2 myClass2 = (IMyInterface2)obj;

Console.WriteLine("I am : {0}", myClass1.GetName());
Console.WriteLine("I am : {0}", myClass2.GetName());

// Outputs :
// I am : IMyInterface1
// I am : IMyInterface2

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