Anonymous method

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Anonymous methods provide a technique to pass a code block as a delegate parameter. They are methods with a body, but no name.

delegate int IntOp(int lhs, int rhs);
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // C# 2.0 definition
        IntOp add = delegate(int lhs, int rhs)
            return lhs + rhs;

        // C# 3.0 definition
        IntOp mul = (lhs, rhs) =>
            return lhs * rhs;

        // C# 3.0 definition - shorthand
        IntOp sub = (lhs, rhs) => lhs - rhs;

        // Calling each method
        Console.WriteLine("2 + 3 = " + add(2, 3));
        Console.WriteLine("2 * 3 = " + mul(2, 3));
        Console.WriteLine("2 - 3 = " + sub(2, 3));

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