suggest changeThe dynamic
keyword is used with dynamically typed objects. Objects declared as dynamic
forego compile-time static checks, and are instead evaluated at runtime.
using System;
using System.Dynamic;
dynamic info = new ExpandoObject();
info.Id = 123;
info.Another = 456;
// 456
// Throws RuntimeBinderException
The following example uses dynamic
with Newtonsoft’s library Json.NET, in order to easily read data from a deserialized JSON file.
string json = @"{ x : 10, y : ""ho""}";
dynamic deserializedJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
int x = deserializedJson.x;
string y = deserializedJson.y;
// int z = deserializedJson.z; // throws RuntimeBinderException
catch (RuntimeBinderException e)
// This exception is thrown when a property
// that wasn't assigned to a dynamic variable is used
There are some limitations associated with the dynamic keyword. One of them is the use of extension methods. The following example adds an extension method for string: SayHello
static class StringExtensions
public static string SayHello(this string s) => $"Hello {s}!";
The first approach will be to call it as usual (as for a string):
var person = "Person";
dynamic manager = "Manager";
Console.WriteLine(manager.SayHello()); // RuntimeBinderException
No compilation error, but at runtime you get a RuntimeBinderException
. The workaround for this will be to call the extension method via the static class:
var helloManager = StringExtensions.SayHello(manager);
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Let me know.
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