Extension methods dispatch based on static type
suggest changeThe static (compile-time) type is used rather than the dynamic (run-time type) to match parameters.
public class Base
public virtual string GetName()
return "Base";
public class Derived : Base
public override string GetName()
return "Derived";
public static class Extensions
public static string GetNameByExtension(this Base item)
return "Base";
public static string GetNameByExtension(this Derived item)
return "Derived";
public static class Program
public static void Main()
Derived derived = new Derived();
Base @base = derived;
// Use the instance method "GetName"
Console.WriteLine(derived.GetName()); // Prints "Derived"
Console.WriteLine(@base.GetName()); // Prints "Derived"
// Use the static extension method "GetNameByExtension"
Console.WriteLine(derived.GetNameByExtension()); // Prints "Derived"
Console.WriteLine(@base.GetNameByExtension()); // Prints "Base"
Also the dispatch based on static type does not allow an extension method to be called on a dynamic
public class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public static class ExtenionPerson
public static string GetPersonName(this Person person)
return person.Name;
dynamic person = new Person { Name = "Jon" };
var name = person.GetPersonName(); // RuntimeBinderException is thrown
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