Finally block

suggest change
    /* code that could throw an exception */
catch (Exception)
    /* handle the exception */
    /* Code that will be executed, regardless if an exception was thrown / caught or not */

The try / catch / finally block can be very handy when reading from files.

For example:

FileStream f = null;

    f = File.OpenRead("file.txt");
    /* process the file here */
    f?.Close(); // f may be null, so use the null conditional operator.

A try block must be followed by either a catch or a finally block. However, since there is no catch block, the execution will cause termination. Before termination, the statements inside the finally block will be executed.

In the file-reading we could have used a using block as FileStream (what OpenRead returns) implements IDisposable.

Even if there is a return statement in try block, the finally block will usually execute; there are a few cases where it will not:

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