Interface Basics

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An Interface’s function known as a “contract” of functionality. It means that it declares properties and methods but it doesn’t implement them.

So unlike classes Interfaces:

public interface ICanDoThis{
    void TheThingICanDo();
    int SomeValueProperty { get; set; }

Things to notice:

public class MyClass : ICanDoThis {
    public void TheThingICanDo(){
        // do the thing

    public int SomeValueProperty { get; set; }
    public int SomeValueNotImplemtingAnything { get; set; }


ICanDoThis obj = new MyClass();

// ok

// ok
obj.SomeValueProperty = 5;

// Error, this member doesn't exist in the interface
obj.SomeValueNotImplemtingAnything = 5;

// in order to access the property in the class you must "down cast" it
((MyClass)obj).SomeValueNotImplemtingAnything = 5; // ok

This is especially useful when you’re working with UI frameworks such as WinForms or WPF because it’s mandatory to inherit from a base class to create user control and you loose the ability to create abstraction over different control types. An example? Coming up:

public class MyTextBlock : TextBlock {
    public void SetText(string str){
        this.Text = str;

public class MyButton : Button {
    public void SetText(string str){
        this.Content = str;

The problem proposed is that both contain some concept of “Text” but the property names differ. And you can’t create create a abstract base class because they have a mandatory inheritance to 2 different classes. An interface can alleviate that

public interface ITextControl{
    void SetText(string str);

public class MyTextBlock : TextBlock, ITextControl {
    public void SetText(string str){
        this.Text = str;

public class MyButton : Button, ITextControl {
    public void SetText(string str){
        this.Content = str;

    public int Clicks { get; set; }

Now MyButton and MyTextBlock is interchangeable.

var controls = new List<ITextControls>{
    new MyTextBlock(),
    new MyButton()

foreach(var ctrl in controls){
    ctrl.SetText("This text will be applied to both controls despite them being different");

    // Compiler Error, no such member in interface
    ctrl.Clicks = 0;

    // Runtime Error because 1 class is in fact not a button which makes this cast invalid
    ((MyButton)ctrl).Clicks = 0;

    /* the solution is to check the type first.
    This is usually considered bad practice since
    it's a symptom of poor abstraction */
    var button = ctrl as MyButton;
    if(button != null)
        button.Clicks = 0; // no errors


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