Numeric formats

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// Integral types as hex
string.Format("Hexadecimal: byte2: {0:x2}; byte4: {0:X4}; char: {1:x2}", 123, (int)'A');

// Integers with thousand separators
string.Format("Integer, thousand sep.: {0:#,#}; fixed length: >{0,10:#,#}<", 1234567);

// Integer with leading zeroes
string.Format("Integer, leading zeroes: {0:00}; ", 1);

// Decimals
string.Format("Decimal, fixed precision: {0:0.000}; as percents: {0:0.00%}", 0.12);


Hexadecimal: byte2: 7b; byte4: 007B; char: 41
Integer, thousand sep.: 1,234,567; fixed length: > 1,234,567<
Integer, leading zeroes: 01; 
Decimal, fixed precision: 0.120; as percents: 12.00%

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