protected internal
suggest changeThe protected internal
keyword marks field, methods, properties and nested classes for use inside the same assembly or derived classes in another assembly:
Assembly 1
public class Foo
public string MyPublicProperty { get; set; }
protected internal string MyProtectedInternalProperty { get; set; }
protected internal class MyProtectedInternalNestedClass
private string blah;
public int N { get; set; }
public class Bar
void MyMethod1()
Foo foo = new Foo();
var myPublicProperty = foo.MyPublicProperty;
var myProtectedInternalProperty = foo.MyProtectedInternalProperty;
var myProtectedInternalNestedInstance =
new Foo.MyProtectedInternalNestedClass();
Assembly 2
public class Baz : Foo
void MyMethod1()
var myPublicProperty = MyPublicProperty;
var myProtectedInternalProperty = MyProtectedInternalProperty;
var thing = new MyProtectedInternalNestedClass();
void MyMethod2()
Foo foo = new Foo();
var myPublicProperty = foo.MyPublicProperty;
// Compile Error
var myProtectedInternalProperty = foo.MyProtectedInternalProperty;
// Compile Error
var myProtectedInternalNestedInstance =
new Foo.MyProtectedInternalNestedClass();
public class Qux
void MyMethod1()
Baz baz = new Baz();
var myPublicProperty = baz.MyPublicProperty;
// Compile Error
var myProtectedInternalProperty = baz.MyProtectedInternalProperty;
// Compile Error
var myProtectedInternalNestedInstance =
new Baz.MyProtectedInternalNestedClass();
void MyMethod2()
Foo foo = new Foo();
var myPublicProperty = foo.MyPublicProperty;
//Compile Error
var myProtectedInternalProperty = foo.MyProtectedInternalProperty;
// Compile Error
var myProtectedInternalNestedInstance =
new Foo.MyProtectedInternalNestedClass();
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Let me know.
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