String Escape Sequences
suggest changeSyntax
- \’ — single quote (0x0027)
- \” — double quote (0x0022)
- \\ — backslash (0x005C)
- \0 — null (0x0000)
- \a — alert (0x0007)
- \b — backspace (0x0008)
- \f — form feed (0x000C)
- \n — new line (0x000A)
- \r — carriage return (0x000D)
- \t — horizontal tab (0x0009)
- \v — vertical tab (0x000B)
- \u0000 - \uFFFF — Unicode character
- \x0 - \xFFFF — Unicode character (code with variable length)
- \U00000000 - \U0010FFFF — Unicode character (for generating surrogates)
String escape sequences are transformed to the corresponding character at compile time. Ordinary strings that happen to contain backwards slashes are not transformed.
For example, the strings notEscaped
and notEscaped2
below are not transformed to a newline character, but will stay as two different characters ('\'
and 'n'
string escaped = "\n";
string notEscaped = "\\" + "n";
string notEscaped2 = "\\n";
Console.WriteLine(escaped.Length); // 1
Console.WriteLine(notEscaped.Length); // 2
Console.WriteLine(notEscaped2.Length); // 2
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