Using generic method with an interface as a constraint type

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This is an example of how to use the generic type TFood inside Eat method on the class Animal

public interface IFood
    void EatenBy(Animal animal);

public class Grass: IFood
    public void EatenBy(Animal animal)
        Console.WriteLine("Grass was eaten by: {0}", animal.Name);

public class Animal
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public void Eat<TFood>(TFood food)
        where TFood : IFood

public class Carnivore : Animal
    public Carnivore()
        Name = "Carnivore";

public class Herbivore : Animal, IFood
    public Herbivore()
        Name = "Herbivore";
    public void EatenBy(Animal animal)
        Console.WriteLine("Herbivore was eaten by: {0}", animal.Name);

You can call the Eat method like this:

var grass = new Grass();        
var sheep = new Herbivore();
var lion = new Carnivore();
//Output: Grass was eaten by: Herbivore

//Output: Herbivore was eaten by: Carnivore

In this case if you try to call:


It won’t be possible because the object lion does not implement the interface IFood. Attempting to make the above call will generate a compiler error: “The type ‘Carnivore’ cannot be used as type parameter ‘TFood’ in the generic type or method ‘Animal.Eat(TFood)’. There is no implicit reference conversion from ‘Carnivore’ to ‘IFood’.”

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