
suggest change

–from * Email From:

--[no-]to               <str>  * Email To:
--[no-]cc               <str>  * Email Cc:
--[no-]bcc              <str>  * Email Bcc:
--subject               <str>  * Email "Subject:"
--in-reply-to           <str>  * Email "In-Reply-To:"
--[no-]xmailer                 * Add "X-Mailer:" header (default).
--[no-]annotate                * Review each patch that will be sent in an editor.
--compose                      * Open an editor for introduction.
--compose-encoding      <str>  * Encoding to assume for introduction.
--8bit-encoding         <str>  * Encoding to assume 8bit mails if undeclared
--transfer-encoding     <str>  * Transfer encoding to use (quoted-printable, 8bit, base64)

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