One line showing commiter name and time since commit

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tree = log --oneline --decorate --source --pretty=format:'"%Cblue %h %Cgreen %ar %Cblue %an %C(yellow) %d %Creset %s"'  --all --graph


*    40554ac  3 months ago  Alexander Zolotov    Merge pull request #95 from gmandnepr/external_plugins
| *  e509f61  3 months ago  Ievgen Degtiarenko    Documenting new property
| *  46d4cb6  3 months ago  Ievgen Degtiarenko    Running idea with external plugins
| *  6253da4  3 months ago  Ievgen Degtiarenko    Resolve external plugin classes
| *  9fdb4e7  3 months ago  Ievgen Degtiarenko    Keep original artifact name as this may be important for intellij
| *  22e82e4  3 months ago  Ievgen Degtiarenko    Declaring external plugin in intellij section
*  bc3d2cb  3 months ago  Alexander Zolotov    Ignore DTD in plugin.xml

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