Trim strings (remove chars or substrings)

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strings.TrimSpace(s string) removes whitespace from the beginning and end of the string:

s := "  str\n "
fmt.Printf("TrimSpace: %#v => %#v\n", s, strings.TrimSpace(s))
TrimSpace: "  str\n " => "str"

strings.TrimPrefix, strings.TrimSuffix

strings.TrimPrefix and strings.TrimSuffix remove a given string from the beginning or end of string:

	prefix := "aba"
	s1 := "abacdda"
	trimmed1 := strings.TrimPrefix(s1, prefix)
	fmt.Printf("TrimPrefix %#v of %#v => %#v\n\n", prefix, s1, trimmed1)

	s2 := "abacdda"
	suffix := "da"
	trimmed2 := strings.TrimSuffix(s2, suffix)
	fmt.Printf("TrimSuffix %#v of %#v => %#v\n\n", suffix, s2, trimmed2)
TrimPrefix "aba" of "abacdda" => "cdda"

TrimSuffix "da" of "abacdda" => "abacd"


strings.Trim removes all characters from a given cut set from a string:

s := "abacdda"
cutset := "zab"

trimmed := strings.Trim(s, cutset)
fmt.Printf("Trim chars %#v from %#v => %#v\n\n", cutset, s, trimmed)

trimmed = strings.TrimLeft(s, cutset)
fmt.Printf("TrimLeft chars %#v from %#v => %#v\n\n", cutset, s, trimmed)

trimmed = strings.TrimRight(s, cutset)
fmt.Printf("TrimRight chars %#v from %#v => %#v\n\n", cutset, s, trimmed)
Trim chars "zab" from "abacdda" => "cdd"

TrimLeft chars "zab" from "abacdda" => "cdda"

TrimRight chars "zab" from "abacdda" => "abacdd"


To remove substrings you can replace with empty string:

s := "this is string"
toRemove := " is"

 after := strings.Replace(s, toRemove, "", -1)    
fmt.Printf("Removed %#v from %#v => %#v\n\n", toRemove, s, after)
Removed " is" from "this is string" => "this string"

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