Include JavaScript Code in HTML

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Attribute | Details | ——— | —–– |src | Specifies the path to a JavaScript file. Either a relative or absolute URL. |type | Specifies the MIME type. This attribute is required in HTML4, but optional in HTML5. |async | Specifies that the script shall be executed asynchronously (only for external scripts). This attribute does not require any value (except of XHTML). |defer | Specifies that the script shall be executed when the page has finished parsing (only for external scripts). This attribute does not require any value (except of XHTML). |charset | Specifies the character encoding used in an external script file, e.g. UTF-8 |crossorigin | How the element handles crossorigin requests |nonce | Cryptographic nonce used in Content Security Policy checks CSP3 |


If the embed JavaScript code (file) is used to manipulate Elements, place your <script></script> tags right before the closing </body> tag or use JavaScript methods or libraries (such as jQuery to handle a variety of browsers) that makes sure the DOM is read and ready to be manipulated.

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