Are line segment and rectangle colliding

suggest change
// var rect={x:,y:,width:,height:};
// var line={x1:,y1:,x2:,y2:};
// Get interseting point of line segment & rectangle (if any)
function lineRectCollide(line,rect){

    // p=line startpoint, p2=line endpoint
    var p={x:line.x1,y:line.y1};
    var p2={x:line.x2,y:line.y2};

    // top rect line
    var q={x:rect.x,y:rect.y};
    var q2={x:rect.x+rect.width,y:rect.y};
    if(lineSegmentsCollide(p,p2,q,q2)){ return true; }
    // right rect line
    var q=q2;
    var q2={x:rect.x+rect.width,y:rect.y+rect.height};
    if(lineSegmentsCollide(p,p2,q,q2)){ return true; }
    // bottom rect line
    var q=q2;
    var q2={x:rect.x,y:rect.y+rect.height};
    if(lineSegmentsCollide(p,p2,q,q2)){ return true; }
    // left rect line
    var q=q2;
    var q2={x:rect.x,y:rect.y};
    if(lineSegmentsCollide(p,p2,q,q2)){ return true; }

    // not intersecting with any of the 4 rect sides

// point object: {x:, y:}
// p0 & p1 form one segment, p2 & p3 form the second segment
// Get interseting point of 2 line segments (if any)
// Attribution:
function lineSegmentsCollide(p0,p1,p2,p3) {

    var unknownA = (p3.x-p2.x) * (p0.y-p2.y) - (p3.y-p2.y) * (p0.x-p2.x);
    var unknownB = (p1.x-p0.x) * (p0.y-p2.y) - (p1.y-p0.y) * (p0.x-p2.x);
    var denominator  = (p3.y-p2.y) * (p1.x-p0.x) - (p3.x-p2.x) * (p1.y-p0.y);        

    // Test if Coincident
    // If the denominator and numerator for the ua and ub are 0
    //    then the two lines are coincident.    
    if(unknownA==0 && unknownB==0 && denominator==0){return(null);}

    // Test if Parallel 
    // If the denominator for the equations for ua and ub is 0
    //     then the two lines are parallel. 
    if (denominator == 0) return null;

    // test if line segments are colliding
    unknownA /= denominator;
    unknownB /= denominator;
    var isIntersecting=(unknownA>=0 && unknownA<=1 && unknownB>=0 && unknownB<=1)


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