Updating a Password in the Keychain

suggest change

As usual, we first need a CFDictionary to represent the item we want to update. This must contain all of the old values for the item, including the old private data. Then it takes a CFDictionary of any attributes or the data itself that you would like to change.

So first, let’s construct a class key and a list of attributes. These attributes can narrow our search but you must include any attributes and there old values if you will be changing them.


var dict = [String : AnyObject]()
dict[kSecClass as String] = kSecClassGenericPassword
// Label
dict[kSecAttrLabel as String] = "com.me.myapp.myaccountpassword" as CFString
// Username
dict[kSecAttrAccount as String] = "My Name" as CFString

Now we must add the old data:


dict[kSecValueData as String] = "my_password!!".data(using: .utf8) as! CFData

Now let’s create the same attributes but a different password:


var newDict = [String : AnyObject]()
newDict[kSecClass as String] = kSecClassGenericPassword
// Label
newDict[kSecAttrLabel as String] = "com.me.myapp.myaccountpassword" as CFString
// Username
newDict[kSecAttrAccount as String] = "My Name" as CFString
// New password
newDict[kSecValueData as String] = "new_password!!".data(using: .utf8) as! CFData

Now, we just pass it to Keychain Services:


let status = SecItemUpdate(dict as CFDictionary, newDict as CFDictionary)

SecItemUpdate returns a status code. Results are described here.

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