Accessing other interface methods within default method

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You can as well access other interface methods from within your default method.

public interface Summable {
    int getA();

    int getB();

    default int calculateSum() {
        return getA() + getB();

public class Sum implements Summable {
    public int getA() {
        return 1;

    public int getB() {
        return 2;

The following statement will print 3:

System.out.println(new Sum().calculateSum());

Default methods could be used along with interface static methods as well:

public interface Summable {
    static int getA() {
        return 1;

    static int getB() {
        return 2;

    default int calculateSum() {
        return getA() + getB();

public class Sum implements Summable {}

The following statement will also print 3:

System.out.println(new Sum().calculateSum());

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