Creating a java.lang.Thread instance

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There are two main approaches to creating a thread in Java. In essence, creating a thread is as easy as writing the code that will be executed in it. The two approaches differ in where you define that code.

In Java, a thread is represented by an object - an instance of java.lang.Thread or its subclass. So the first approach is to create that subclass and override the run() method.

Note: I’ll use Thread to refer to the java.lang.Thread class and thread to refer to the logical concept of threads.

class MyThread extends Thread {
    public void run() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            System.out.println("Thread running!");

Now since we’ve already defined the code to be executed, the thread can be created simply as:

MyThread t = new MyThread();

The Thread class also contains a constructor accepting a string, which will be used as the thread’s name. This can be particulary useful when debugging a multi thread program.

class MyThread extends Thread {
    public MyThread(String name) {
    public void run() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            System.out.println("Thread running! ");

MyThread t = new MyThread("Greeting Producer");

The second approach is to define the code using java.lang.Runnable and its only method run(). The Thread class then allows you to execute that method in a separated thread. To achieve this, create the thread using a constructor accepting an instance of the Runnable interface.

Thread t = new Thread(aRunnable);

This can be very powerful when combined with lambdas or methods references (Java 8 only):

Thread t = new Thread(operator::hardWork);

You can specify the thread’s name, too.

Thread t = new Thread(operator::hardWork, "Pi operator");

Practicaly speaking, you can use both approaches without worries. However the general wisdom says to use the latter.

For every of the four mentioned constructors, there is also an alternative accepting an instance of java.lang.ThreadGroup as the first parameter.

ThreadGroup tg = new ThreadGroup("Operators");
Thread t = new Thread(tg, operator::hardWork, "PI operator");

The ThreadGroup represents a set of threads. You can only add a Thread to a ThreadGroup using a Thread’s constructor. The ThreadGroup can then be used to manage all its Threads together, as well as the Thread can gain information from its ThreadGroup.

So to sumarize, the Thread can be created with one of these public constructors:

Thread(String name)
Thread(Runnable target)
Thread(Runnable target, String name)
Thread(ThreadGroup group, String name)
Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target)
Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name)
Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name, long stackSize)

The last one allows us to define desired stack size for the new thread.

Often the code readability suffers when creating and configuring many Threads with same properties or from the same pattern. That’s when java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory can be used. This interface allows you to encapsulate the procedure of creating the thread through the factory pattern and its only method newThread(Runnable).

class WorkerFactory implements ThreadFactory {
    private int id = 0;

    public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
        return new Thread(r, "Worker " + id++);

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