Declaring and Implementing an Interface

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Declaration of an interface using the interface keyword:

public interface Animal {
    String getSound(); // Interface methods are public by default

Override Annotation

public String getSound() {
    // Code goes here...

This forces the compiler to check that we are overriding and prevents the program from defining a new method or messing up the method signature.

Interfaces are implemented using the implements keyword.

public class Cat implements Animal {

    public String getSound() {
        return "meow";

public class Dog implements Animal {

    public String getSound() {
        return "woof";

In the example, classes Cat and Dog must define the getSound() method as methods of an interface are inherently abstract (with the exception of default methods).

Using the interfaces

Animal cat = new Cat();
Animal dog = new Dog();

System.out.println(cat.getSound()); // prints "meow"
System.out.println(dog.getSound()); // prints "woof"

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