List of standard Java Runtime Library functional interfaces by signature

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Parameter Types | Return Type | Interface | –––––––– | ———– | ——— | () | void | Runnable | () | T | Supplier | () | boolean | BooleanSupplier | () | int | IntSupplier | () | long | LongSupplier | () | double | DoubleSupplier | (T) | void | Consumer<T> | (T) | T | UnaryOperator<T> | (T) | R | Function<T,R> | (T) | boolean | Predicate<T> | (T) | int | ToIntFunction<T> | (T) | long | ToLongFunction<T> | (T) | double | ToDoubleFunction<T> | (T, T) | T | BinaryOperator<T> | (T, U) | void | BiConsumer<T,U> | (T, U) | R | BiFunction<T,U,R> | (T, U) | boolean | BiPredicate<T,U> | (T, U) | int | ToIntBiFunction<T,U> | (T, U) | long | ToLongBiFunction<T,U> | (T, U) | double | ToDoubleBiFunction<T,U> | (T, int) | void | ObjIntConsumer<T> | (T, long) | void | ObjLongConsumer<T> | (T, double) | void | ObjDoubleConsumer<T> | (int) | void | IntConsumer | (int) | R | IntFunction<R> | (int) | boolean | IntPredicate | (int) | int | IntUnaryOperator | (int) | long | IntToLongFunction | (int) | double | IntToDoubleFunction | (int, int) | int | IntBinaryOperator | (long) | void | LongConsumer | (long) | R | LongFunction<R> | (long) | boolean | LongPredicate | (long) | int | LongToIntFunction | (long) | long | LongUnaryOperator | (long) | double | LongToDoubleFunction | (long, long) | long | LongBinaryOperator | (double) | void | DoubleConsumer | (double) | R | DoubleFunction<R> | (double) | boolean | DoublePredicate | (double) | int | DoubleToIntFunction | (double) | long | DoubleToLongFunction | (double) | double | DoubleUnaryOperator | (double, double) | double | DoubleBinaryOperator |

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