The boolean primitive

suggest change

A boolean can store one of two values, either true or false

boolean foo = true;
System.out.println("foo = " + foo);                // foo = true

boolean bar = false;
System.out.println("bar = " + bar);                // bar = false

boolean notFoo = !foo;
System.out.println("notFoo = " + notFoo);          // notFoo = false

boolean fooAndBar = foo && bar;
System.out.println("fooAndBar = " + fooAndBar);    // fooAndBar = false

boolean fooOrBar = foo || bar;
System.out.println("fooOrBar = " + fooOrBar);      // fooOrBar = true

boolean fooXorBar = foo ^ bar;
System.out.println("fooXorBar = " + fooXorBar);    // fooXorBar = true

The default value of a boolean is false

boolean defaultBoolean;    // defaultBoolean == false

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