The String Concatenation Operator

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The \+ symbol can mean three distinct operators in Java:

In the simple case, the Concatenation operator joins two strings to give a third string. For example:

String s1 = "a String";
String s2 = "This is " + s1;    // s2 contains "This is a String"

When one of the two operands is not a string, it is converted to a String as follows:

For example:

int one = 1;
String s3 = "One is "  + one;         // s3 contains "One is 1"
String s4 = null + " is null";        // s4 contains "null is null"
String s5 = "{1} is " + new int[]{1}; // s5 contains something like
                                      // "{} is [I@xxxxxxxx"

The explanation for the s5 example is that the toString() method on array types is inherited from java.lang.Object, and the behavior is to produce a string that consists of the type name, and the object’s identity hashcode.

The Concatenation operator is specified to create a new String object, except in the case where the expression is a Constant Expression. In the latter case, the expression is evaluated at compile type, and its runtime value is equivalent to a string literal. This means that there is no runtime overhead in splitting a long string literal like this:

String typing = "The quick brown fox " +
                "jumped over the " +
                "lazy dog";           // constant expression

Optimization and efficiency

As noted above, with the exception of constant expressions, each string concatenation expression creates a new String object. Consider this code:

public String stars(int count) {
    String res = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        res = res + "*";
    return res;

In the method above, each iteration of the loop will create a new String that is one character longer than the previous iteration. Each concatenation copies all of the characters in the operand strings to form the new String. Thus, stars(N) will:

This is very expensive for large N. Indeed, any code that concatenates strings in a loop is liable to have this problem. A better way to write this would be as follows:

public String stars(int count) {
    // Create a string builder with capacity 'count' 
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(count);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    return sb.toString();

Ideally, you should set the capacity of the StringBuilder, but if this is not practical, the class will automatically grow the backing array that the builder uses to hold characters. (Note: the implementation expands the backing array exponentially. This strategy keeps that amount of character copying to a O(N) rather than O(N^2).)

Some people apply this pattern to all string concatenations. However, this is unnecessary because the JLS allows a Java compiler to optimize string concatenations within a single expression. For example:

String s1 = ...;
String s2 = ...;    
String test = "Hello " + s1 + ". Welcome to " + s2 + "\n";

will typically be optimized by the bytecode compiler to something like this;

StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder();
tmp.append("Hello ")
tmp.append(s1 == null ? "null" + s1);
tmp.append("Welcome to ");
tmp.append(s2 == null ? "null" + s2);
String test = tmp.toString();

(The JIT compiler may optimize that further if it can deduce that s1 or s2 cannot be null.) But note that this optimization is only permitted within a single expression.

In short, if you are concerned about the efficiency of string concatenations:

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