Using Interfaces with Generics

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Let’s say you want to define an interface that allows publishing / consuming data to and from different types of channels (e.g. AMQP, JMS, etc), but you want to be able to switch out the implementation details …

Let’s define a basic IO interface that can be re-used across multiple implementations:

public interface IO<IncomingType, OutgoingType> {

    void publish(OutgoingType data);
    IncomingType consume();
    IncomingType RPCSubmit(OutgoingType data);


Now I can instantiate that interface, but since we don’t have default implementations for those methods, it’ll need an implementation when we instantiate it:

IO<String, String> mockIO = new IO<String, String>() {

    private String channel = "somechannel";

    public void publish(String data) {
        System.out.println("Publishing " + data + " to " + channel);

    public String consume() {
        System.out.println("Consuming from " + channel);
        return "some useful data";

    public String RPCSubmit(String data) {
        return "received " + data + " just now ";


mockIO.consume(); // prints: Consuming from somechannel
mockIO.publish("TestData"); // Publishing TestData to somechannel
System.out.println(mockIO.RPCSubmit("TestData")); // received TestData just now

We can also do something more useful with that interface, let’s say we want to use it to wrap some basic RabbitMQ functions:

public class RabbitMQ implements IO<String, String> {

    private String exchange;
    private String queue;

    public RabbitMQ(String exchange, String queue){ = exchange;
        this.queue = queue;

    public void publish(String data) {
        rabbit.basicPublish(exchange, queue, data.getBytes());

    public String consume() {
        return rabbit.basicConsume(exchange, queue);

    public String RPCSubmit(String data) {
        return rabbit.rpcPublish(exchange, queue, data);


Let’s say I want to use this IO interface now as a way to count visits to my website since my last system restart and then be able to display the total number of visits - you can do something like this:

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

public class VisitCounter implements IO<Long, Integer> {

    private static AtomicLong websiteCounter = new AtomicLong(0);
    public void publish(Integer count) {

    public Long consume() {
        return websiteCounter.get();

    public Long RPCSubmit(Integer count) {
        return websiteCounter.addAndGet(count);

Now let’s use the VisitCounter:

VisitCounter counter = new VisitCounter();

// just had 4 visits, yay
// just had another visit, yay

// get data for stats counter
System.out.println(counter.consume()); // prints 5

// show data for stats counter page, but include that as a page view
System.out.println(counter.RPCSubmit(1)); // prints 6

When implementing multiple interfaces, you can’t implement the same interface twice. That also applies to generic interfaces. Thus, the following code is invalid, and will result in a compile error:

interface Printer<T> {
    void print(T value);

// Invalid!
class SystemPrinter implements Printer<Double>, Printer<Integer> {
    @Override public void print(Double d){ System.out.println("Decimal: " + d); }
    @Override public void print(Integer i){ System.out.println("Discrete: " + i); }

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