File API, blobs and FileReaders

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Property/Method Description
error A error that occurred while reading the file.
readyState Contains the current state of the FileReader.
result Contains the file contents.
onabort Triggered when the operation is aborted.
onerror Triggered when an error is encountered.
onload Triggered when the file has loaded.
onloadstart Triggered when the file loading operation has started.
onloadend Triggered when the file loading operation has ended.
onprogress Triggered whilst reading a Blob.
abort() Aborts the current operation.
readAsArrayBuffer(blob) Starts reading the file as an ArrayBuffer.
readAsDataURL(blob) Starts reading the file as a data url/uri.
readAsText(blob[, encoding]) Starts reading the file as a text file. Not able to read binary files. Use readAsArrayBuffer instead.


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