Function Arguments arguments object rest and spread parameters

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Functions can take inputs in form of variables that can be used and assigned inside their own scope. The following function takes two numeric values and returns their sum:

function addition (argument1, argument2){
    return argument1 + argument2; 

console.log(addition(2, 3)); // -> 5

arguments object

The arguments object contains all the function’s parameters that contain a non-default value. It can also be used even if the parameters are not explicitly declared:

(function() { console.log(arguments) })(0,'str', [2,{3}]) // -> [0, "str", Array[2]]

Although when printing arguments the output resembles an Array, it is in fact an object:

(function() { console.log(typeof arguments) })(); // -> object

Rest parameters: function (...parm) {}

In ES6, the ... syntax when used in the declaration of a function’s parameters transforms the variable to its right into a single object containing all the remaining parameters provided after the declared ones. This allows the function to be invoked with an unlimited number of arguments, which will become part of this variable:

(function(a, ...b){console.log(typeof b+': '+b[0]+b[1]+b[2]) })(0,1,'2',[3],{i:4});
// -> object: 123

Spread parameters: function_name(...varb);

In ES6, the ... syntax can also be used when invoking a function by placing an object/variable to its right. This allows that object’s elements to be passed into that function as a single object:

let nums = [2,42,-1];
console.log(...['a','b','c'], Math.max(...nums)); // -> a b c 42

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