Get the current time and date

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Use new Date() to generate a new Date object containing the current date and time.

Note that Date() called without arguments is equivalent to new Date(

Once you have a date object, you can apply any of the several available methods to extract its properties (e.g. getFullYear() to get the 4-digits year).

Below are some common date methods.

Get the current year

var year = (new Date()).getFullYear();
// Sample output: 2016

Get the current month

var month = (new Date()).getMonth();
// Sample output: 0

Please note that 0 = January. This is because months range from 0 to 11, so it is often desirable to add +1 to the index.

Get the current day

var day = (new Date()).getDate();
// Sample output: 31

Get the current hour

var hours = (new Date()).getHours();
// Sample output: 10

Get the current minutes

var minutes = (new Date()).getMinutes();
// Sample output: 39

Get the current seconds

var seconds = (new Date()).getSeconds();
// Sample output: 48

Get the current milliseconds

To get the milliseconds (ranging from 0 to 999) of an instance of a Date object, use its getMilliseconds method.

var milliseconds = (new Date()).getMilliseconds();
 // Output: milliseconds right now

Convert the current time and date to a human-readable string

var now = new Date();
// convert date to a string in UTC timezone format:
// Output: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 09:13:01 GMT

The static method returns the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC. To get the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since that time using an instance of a Date object, use its getTime method.

// get milliseconds using static method now of Date

// get milliseconds using method getTime of Date instance
console.log((new Date()).getTime());

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