Module and Revealing Module Patterns

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Module Pattern

The Module pattern is a creational and structural design pattern which provides a way of encapsulating private members while producing a public API. This is accomplished by creating an IIFE which allows us to define variables only available in its scope (through closure) while returning an object which contains the public API.

This gives us a clean solution for hiding the main logic and only exposing an interface we wish other parts of our application to use.

var Module = (function(/* pass initialization data if necessary */) {
  // Private data is stored within the closure
  var privateData = 1;

  // Because the function is immediately invoked,
  // the return value becomes the public API
  var api = {
    getPrivateData: function() {
      return privateData;
    getDoublePrivateData: function() {
      return api.getPrivateData() * 2;
  return api;
})(/* pass initialization data if necessary */);

Revealing Module Pattern

The Revealing Module pattern is a variant in the Module pattern. The key differences are that all members (private and public) are defined within the closure, the return value is an object literal containing no function definitions, and all references to member data are done through direct references rather than through the returned object.

var Module = (function(/* pass initialization data if necessary */) {
  // Private data is stored just like before
  var privateData = 1;

  // All functions must be declared outside of the returned object
  var getPrivateData = function() {
    return privateData;

  var getDoublePrivateData = function() {
    // Refer directly to enclosed members rather than through the returned object
    return getPrivateData() * 2;

  // Return an object literal with no function definitions
  return {
    getPrivateData: getPrivateData,
    getDoublePrivateData: getDoublePrivateData
})(/* pass initialization data if necessary */);

Revealing Prototype Pattern

This variation of the revealing pattern is used to separate the constructor to the methods. This pattern allow us to use the javascript language like a objected oriented language:

//Namespace setting
var NavigationNs = NavigationNs || {};

// This is used as a class constructor = function(current, length) {        
    this.current = current;
    this.length = length;

// The prototype is used to separate the construct and the methods = function() {
    // It is a example of a public method because is revealed in the return statement
    var setCurrent = function() {
        //Here the variables current and length are used as private class properties  
        for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {                
    return { setCurrent: setCurrent };

// Example of parameterless constructor  
NavigationNs.pagination = function() {}

NavigationNs.pagination.prototype = function() {
// It is a example of a private method because is not revealed in the return statement
    var reload = function(data) {
        // do something
    // It the only public method, because it the only function referenced in the return statement
     getPage = function(link) {
        var a = $(link);

        var options = {url: a.attr('href'), type: 'get'}
        $.ajax(options).done(function(data) {            
           // after the the ajax call is done, it calls private method

        return false;
    return {getPage : getPage}

This code above should be in a separated file .js to be referenced in any page that is needed. It can be used like this:

var menuActive = new'ul.sidebar-menu li', 5);

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